
Welcome to my little spot in this world wide web in which I call Hachland. My name is Hach, I’m a thirty-something who’s living in the Upstate New York and this website tells what I do, did and want to do. Plus a bunch of random other things.

The birth of Hachland occurred back in the late 90s when I was in High School. It has seen numerous incarnations with various internet homes from Geocities to Tripod to some others and for the past few years landing on WordPress.

As you see I’ve liked to be hosted the free way. Because well, money isn’t endless. In the year 2016 after years of hinting at it and teasing it, I finally jumped and sold out and bought the Hachland.com name.

The design of Hachland is one of the specialties around here. Not that it was designed exclusively for Hachland but that I’m never happy with the look. In the old days of Hachland it held numerous designs, as I enjoyed HTML and never liked the final project.

But as of now, things are a little different…

Well… maybe I just changed the design again..

As for the stories and things I share on Hachland they’re things that have happened to me, or stories I’ve made up, photos I’ve taken, places I’ve been and well, anything I feel like posting.

Over the years things have evolved and I’ve grown up a little. Every now and then I showcase who I really am instead of just the things I do and see.

But sometimes I just take pictures or make memes.

Maybe I’ll add more to this about section..

But until then..

Know one thing..

This is Hachland!